Sage Holistic
Is a Community Group Clinic, based inside Hangleton Community Centre in Hove. Our team of qualified & experienced therapists offer exceptional holistic wellbeing treatments and workshops to everyone in our local area.
And we do mean everyone.
Think you can’t afford a massage, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, reflexology or energy healing, Expensive, right? Think again. Prices for our therapies and workshops are graded and can be as low as £10 - £20 per hour.
If you can pay full price, thank you. You’re enabling those less fortunate through circumstances or illness to enjoy and benefit from therapies normally out of their reach.
What Do We Offer?
At Sage Holistic we offer you the true pleasure of a restful aromatherapy massage, with blends made specifically for your health condition. Receive a massage to help reduce Lymphedema swelling from Chemo, or why not indulge in a skin rejuvenation treatment that will sooth swelling from Radiation burns. These treatments can promotes healing & improving scars from any operations including mastectomy scars?
Our therapeutic treatments also include reflexology, acupuncture, reiki, hypnotherapy, nutrition advice and even life coaching to help you be the best you can be. We run workshops, too - again at a very affordable cost. Learn about mindfulness, family constellation, weight loss, breath work or even Qi Gong.
Come away with a new understanding of health. Your health. You are important and you matter to us.
Who is Sage Holistic For?
In a nutshell, we’re reaching out a hand of friendship and support to everyone in Brighton and Hove.
We’re one world. We are one people. The Sage Holistic Community Group wants everyone, to feel they can book treatments and workshops with us.
Our 3 Tier Subsidised Cost Structure
We have been fortunate in the last year, to have received some small funding from Power to change, Upstream Ideas, Hangleton and Knoll Healthy Neighbourhood Fund to start our clinic in the heart of Hangleton and run our Pilot trial.
We have recently been awarded an small grant by Unltd, this has enabled us to pay for some of the rental costs of our clinic going forward. This funding allows our practitioners to drop their usual private clinic prices of (£45-£70) to help our community access their treatments at affordable rates.
We are applying for more funding to try to secure our clinic for the next year and would welcome any donations, either corporate or personal to help pay for more ongoing workshops and clinic time for those in our community who desperately need it.
If you would like to help us by fundraising or paying it forward, Please get in touch.
Pay as You Feel:
If you have a long-term illness or you’re being treated for cancer, treatments are on a donation from £20 - £30 per hour. This entry-level cost applies also to full-time carers and the unemployed and anybody receiving benefits.
Allocated weekly slots for each practitioner. Contact us for bookings.
Pay as Is:
Pay just £35 per hour for our therapies and workshops if you work part-time or are earning below the £25k threshold,
a full time student, ex service men & women, or receiving a retirement pension.
Pay it Forward:
Can you spend a little more? Closer to the correct rate? A still affordable sliding scale donation of between £40 - £60 per hour will help fund treatments for others less able to pay in our community. If your in full-time employment, this is a beautiful way of giving back to your community. If you can we thank you xxx
How We Work
Sage Holistic works with a team of fully insured, highly skilled therapists who can work flexible hours to suit you.
You will need evidence of your status, perhaps photo ID, a letter from your GP or any other appropriate evidence.
Contact us, to know what evidence to bring to your first appointment.
Schedule a consultation or contact us today to see how we can help.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Become a Community Group Member
Care about health & wellbeing? Why not become a member, be part of our Community Group?
We’re stronger together. We are looking for Community group members to help us communicate the needs of our patients and community, help shape our clinic for the better.
Do you have skills and time that you can offer us?
Please get in touch, we are happy to hear from you.